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Tuesday, June 7, 2022



It's the one and only word that always comes with a memory - the memory of something good, something thoughtful, something helpful. Said from the heart, it's the best word to celebrate great endings or new beginnings. And it's not just a word, but everything it means: " I noticed..." "I'm grateful..." "You made a difference..." "I appreciate you, and all that you do."

I found the above written in one of my notebooks. If you are the author or you know the correct reference, please let me know in the comments so I can attribute it properly.

Socrates said, "You are not only good to yourself, but the cause of goodness in others."

Gratitude is one of those magical things, like watermelon seeds and acorns, that is such a small thing, but holds within it so much potential. It takes almost no energy at all to say thanks. Offering your appreciation to others is one of the easiest formulas for increasing a whole list of things, love, friendships, abundance, opportunities, etc. Did your lights turn on when you flicked on the switch this morning? Aren't you lucky! Clean water to drink? Amazing. It isn't difficult to find things to be thankful for. 

"It is not joy that makes us grateful, it's gratitude that makes us feel joy," Brene Brown

It's almost impossible to open any social media without being peppered with messages about how cultivating an "attitude of gratitude" will improve your situation. There are a plethora of apps for journaling your gratitude and keeping track of all the good you have in your life. 

"It is one of the beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

One of the 5 Love Languages is Acts of Service. This is the love language I speak. Being of service is a driving factor in what motivates almost everything in my life. I look for opportunities to do for others, sometimes as a means of avoiding my own issues, but hey, this is my dharma. I'm still learning to put myself on the list of those I'm "doing for." Often as not, I get just as much, if not more, out of being of service to others. I have a deep need to be of use.  I say this not because I need acknowledgement for my good deeds, but because I'm recognizing the need to balance that with recognition of all that I have received as well. 

Sam Friend teaches us that, "There is in each of us so much goodness that if we could see it glow, it would light the world."

What are you currently doing to cultivate an attitude of gratitude? The following are a few ideas that can help to create the habit of recognizing the things you should be THANKful for:

1. Gratitude Reflection, before going to bed, think of at least 5 things you were blessed with during the day

2. Gratitude Journal, using a notebook, keep track of things that go your way, and choose a time to review it, daily, weekly, monthly

3. Gratitude Cards, purchase a pack of THANK YOU cards and set a weekly calendar event to remind you to write out thank yous to those you are thankful to

4. Gratitude Letters, choose a person, or persons that have had a significant impact on you and write them a letter to tell them

5. Gratitude Jar, use a quart sized jar and write down the things you are grateful for and put them in the jar. When you are having a hard time finding gratitude, look thru the notes you wrote

Habits take time to become second nature. Take the time to discover what works for you. If you find it difficult to stick to your plan, find a friend or partner to practice with. 

"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others." CICERO

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