
The Art Of Travel - terrible acting and awful script - but the story itself was a good one. I fully recommend this one if you've got an hour and a half to kill
3 rages

The Air I Breathe - weird story - could think of 10 actors that would have been better in the leading roles - but Kevin Bacon played a small part - which adds another level to the six degrees game!
2.5 rages

Forgetting Sarah Marshall - caution - full monty several times - ewww!!! but if you're into the fart and titty jokes, you'll like this one, lots to laff about
2 rages

Pride and Glory - captivating. I jumped several times - which really erks Nik! lol - good cop bad cop. Nik especially enjoyed what he called "the fight I've been dying to see" btwn Colin Farrel and Ed Norton
4.5 rages

Be Kind, Rewind (haven't watched that one yet)
Also, spied Inkheart and New In Town online.

Inkheart is a great family friendly movie.
3 rages

New In Town has now ruined Harry Connick Jr for me. This movie really wasted him as a romantic lead. Not a great match up btwn him and Renee Well-Eat-a-damn-sandwich-zegger either!
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