Friday I rented a couple of movies. Here's my take on those:
Flashbacks of a Fool - with Daniel Craig (the current 007) by Miramax
It's the story of a washed up Hollywood actor who finds his life and his career circling the drain. He gets a call from home (England) informing him that his best childhood mate has died suddenly. In contemplating returning to the English Seaside he fled 25 years earlier, this prodigal son begins to flash back to significant events that led to his hasty departure.
Prominently featured is the music of David Bowie and Brian Ferry. Interesting to see the effects of the psychedelic 70s on rural England. The story is a little slow, but typical of English offerings.
During the flashbacks we learn that the Hollywood actor left his home and his family following a tragedy he blames himself for. You can't help but realize that everything this man has experienced since has been thru a filter of guilt and remorse. It isn't until he courageously returns home to face his guilt that he's allowed to let down those shackles and evolve as a person.
Very good movie. I give it 4 rages
The other rental was titled: Normal - starring Carrie Anne Moss
A multi-faceted story line of a tragic accident involving several people and the fall out that occurs in each of their lives;
The mother of the boy that died
The boy that didn't die
The drunk aging professor that hit them
Each of them is searching for the way back to normal.
I enjoyed this movie. It was interesting to see how each of the players in this story dealt (or didn't deal) with their grief and remorse.
I give this movie 3 rages
I don't recommend watching 2 dark movies on the same night. My dreams were filled with allegories for the grief I am dealing with in my current situation. I needed something to help me recover from this, so on Saturday, I went to see a comedy.
He's Just Not That Into You - starring and all star cast
This movie was hilarious!
OMG! Nothing like having a mirror held up to you to help you see the humor in how ridiculous the human animal is! LOL
The story begins on the playground. It's the usual story, boy meets girl, girls smiles at boy, boy pushes girl down in the dirt, turns and laffs as he runs away...Then mom comes to the aid of girl and perpetrates the first in a never ending string of lies and deceits we women perpetrate on one another. She tells the girl that the only reason the boy pushed her is because he likes her!
OMG! How many times have we heard or said these ridiculous things to one another to try to spare our girlfriend's feelings?
This movie was a crack up! I don't care who you are, you will immediately recognize these women.
There's a little something in this movie for everyone. All factions are represented, even the LGBT.
Super cute exchange: girl tells a gay couple at a party that she's not sure, but she thinks her invite to the party may have implied a little more than "come as a guest". Once again, our protagonist is reading a little more into the object of her affection's actions. The gay guys tell her it's hard to tell, since gay signals are so much less complex. And they demonstrate:"If you want to have sex with someone, you let your eye contact linger for more than three seconds" and they turn and gaze at one another. "One, Two, Three..." and they turn back to her. "Oh, yes, it's definitely on! If on the other hand, you're not into him," and they turn again to gaze at one another, "One, Two," and they dramatically snap back to front. "Oh, Hell no!" lol
Okay, so maybe you gotta see it to get the humor implied in that scene. But I'm new to this reviewing stuff. breaking my teeth in so to speak (or type!)
Anywho, This one is definitely worth the price of admission.
I give it 4.5 rages
Happy viewing!
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