Well, since losing my job, we have gone low budget on the movies. Lately we've been hitting the 2 for $1 aisles. Last weekend we had an abbreviated John Cusack film fest with a couple of my faves, Serendipity and Say Anything. Nik was impressed with Say Anything, considering it was a 1980's Cameron Crowe.
Both get 3 Rages

I hit a matinee at the show and spied The Reader. I don't recommend this one for any but the bravest World War II/Nazi movie/history buffs. Kate Winslett was intriguing. David Kross's interpretation of his character's' grappling with such intense emotions garners great appreciation. Apparently the book was on Oprah's book list. Shows how out of touch I am!
I give this one 4.5 Rages

Tonight's fare is Out of Africa, a classic love story - and I'm realizing how much my Emily looks like a younger Meryl Streep! It's funny how my Aunt Helen used to think the same thing of me!

What can I say about this film that hasn't already been said? Spectacular, breathtaking, heartbreaking...Nik walked out after 20 minutes...I think his heart is too broken to watch a love story. Poor baby!
Of course, this one gets the full 5 Rages!
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