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Sunday, December 27, 2009
Y2K 10 year anniversary
I recall the absolutely unfounded panic. The mission of my old unit. The grueling night shifts at DuPont. The exasperatingly long hours of home schooling! I was really busy back then. I thought I'd never be able to continue on at that pace, then proceeded to throw my hat in the ring for even more arduous tasks as the years cranked on.
Now, here I sit looking at the last five days of this year, this decade and I can't believe it's all gone! All of the goals I had hoped to achieve. The relationships that have come and gone. The friends new and old that have been made and kept, and some that have been left to go. The loved ones I have lost.
Well, even without the impending doom of the end of the world (at least not for another few years according to the Mayans anyway) I am a little fore lorn looking at
the passing of another year. This has been a bittersweet year. I reconciled with my sister, only to lose her. Learned to open my heart again, only to have it crushed, Watched my baby pass from HS to college, only to have him lose his mind (as is wont to happen to young people of his age!)
And so, off to Vegas I go to ring in the new year. I hope if nothing else, I am able to just let go of all the sadness and pain and move on into the new year with a fresh perspective. And who knows, maybe I'll come back a big winner. Lord knows I deserve a little something good to come my way. I mean, really, Mr. Man Upstairs, I've certainly surpassed all expectations! I've taken more than my share. I'm ready to move up and move on...come on next stage!
Monday, December 21, 2009
some much needed R & R
Let's review:
I lost the job that told me who I was. I am in the process of losing my house. I lost my sister to Cancer, (but at least was able to reconcile with here first) but in the process, lost my family to petty BS. My 18 year old has decided he doesn't want to play by the rules anymore so I am losing him.
It's been a sucky ass year for me!
But here are the things I am thankful for (with caveats):
I got my sister back, if only for a brief moment in time (see above)
I got my bestest cousin back after 30 years (and I'm so glad to find out she's just as crazy/wonderful as me!)
I have my health (although this kick class is making me feel my age some days!)
I learned how to fall in love again (even if it was fleeting)
I have a wonderfully loving BFF who supports the hell out of me, even when I'm an asshole (even though she's a really bad influence on me and plies me with wine right before kick class!)
My BFFs children love the hell out of me, even when I tell them I have nothing for them for Xmas (and then I took them to see a movie instead, with pop and popcorn!)
I have wonderful friends who are more precious to me than any family member ever tried to be. (and I'm so glad they are all crazy/wonderful like me!)
I have two wonderfully fantastic friends who were friends of my mom's who have done more for me than they will ever know. (I feel like they have helped me get to know the woman that she was since I lost her before we got that far)
My crappy job has some fantastic perks (Pistons Suits, after hours events with drinking, hob-knobbing with impotant peeps)
The crazy Canadian Governor with the really big facial mole is paying for me to get an education so I can finally get the recognition for the skill levels I have. (even though I will never be able to find a good paying job once I get said degree!)
I was paid by DuPont long enough to have the money to buy a new car when my van finally crapped out on me. (I miss the van, but I love my little clown car!)
And last but definitely not least, I am loved by God. (though why I sometimes can't understand!)
So for now I'll cry in my wine and maybe spend a few days in bed, and then when I'm over that, I'll pack my bags and go to Vegas, where maybe I'll find a husband! Stranger things have happened!
Peace be to you during this crazy, frantic, mixed up time of the year that is supposed to be about the Savior and NOT about the savings!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Bah Humbug!
I've decided to cancel Xmas this year.
Other than celebrating the prayerful praises of a God that loved me enough to make the greatest sacrifice so that I may live eternally in a relationship with Him, I will not be participating in any of the other stuff...I will have to fake it thru a few parties that I have been obligated to attend, but it will be fake. I will not even attempt to muster up even the least bit of a holiday spirit.
I am not baking, doing cards, buying gifts of any kind, cooking and/or eating if I can get away with it. I've got some time off between school semesters and some time off my Oh, so wonderful new job and I'm going to get some things in order and start the new year fresh. So if in the meantime I seem to step on your elfish spirit, well, excuse me! I've had a rough G-D year and I think I get to be an ass for a while.
Please come check back after the most wonderful time of the year and meet the new me. I'm hoping to find her somewhere out in Vegas during the holiday break.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Time to see a man about a house
On the other hand, If I let it go, I let go all the privileges that come with home ownership...privileges like privacy, and sense of Independence.
I'm not asking for much. I don't want to be given any extra special dispensations. I just want to be able to come home at the end of my very long days and relax. I'd like to be able to walk into the kitchen and fix something to eat. I'd like to be able to draw a hot bath and soak in it, even to fall asleep in it! lol
So, here's my prayer:
God, whatever happens today, please guide me in seeing that you have a plan for me and comfort me in my time of need. Your will be done, easier spoken than accepted. Whatever your plan, help me to adjust to whatever may come. Give me the strength to do the things I must do. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Peer Proofing Our Essays on Banning Offensive Language In Public Spaces
All I can say is...Oy to the Vay! (insert face palm here) I was once again reminded in painful detail just how inadequately secondary educators are preparing students for successful college careers. The first essay was technically correct in appearance. It consisted of 5 paragraphs, the first of which was an intro, followed by 3 evidential, or supporting, paragraphs, followed by a concluding paragraph. Each paragraph consisted of the minimum standard 3 sentences. For all intents and purposes, the paper had the look of an essay.
Then there's the content. To begin with, the student never took a position. It is her belief that since there is no real way to prevent people from saying offensive things, we should all "just get over it." That's all I'm going to say about that essay.
The next poor child was under the impression that "free speech" is someone standing at a podium and speaking, for which the listener is not required to pay a fee to hear! AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!! Once I got my blood pressure back to a livable level, I wrote a few quick notes and passed her paper back. I couldn't really begin to give her advice on how to fix the technical aspects of her paper when she obviously slept thru the past 10 years of her education!
The last young lady in my group wrote an eloquent thesis on the importance of protecting the rights of all, including bigots and nut-jobs (or are those titles inter-changeable? lol) rights to express themselves. She went on to discuss how although freedom of speech gives one the right to express one's ideas, it does not mean one should haphazardly exercise that right. She discussed the moral obligation each one of us has in censoring our own selves and impressed upon the importance of considering how our expressions may effect others.
I was thoroughly impressed that she was able to articulate her thoughts and backed them with a few references, although she failed to site them in her rough draft. I was able to leave a few notes for her on places where the technical aspects of her essay needed to be tended to, as well as leaving a few devil's advocate gems for her to think about when doing the final draft.
Then I received my own paper back from the team. Other than two spots where they noticed (as I had already discussed with the BFF) that the content wandered a bit off topic, they didn't have anything critical to say. They jotted down a few encouraging comments about how much they liked my essay and that was it. Well, except for one comment. I nearly fell over with laughter when I realized what she was trying to say. She was commenting on a line in my essay where I describe how campus restrictions on language would make for a "kinder, gentler learning environment" and my "peer" wrote down a suggested alternative as "could be 'more gentle learning environment'" - okay, I had to remind myself that anyone under 35 years of age would not be apt to get the George H. W. Bush reference there. So, there's that! lol
I will post up my essay as soon as I get the graded on back from the instructor and have had an opportunity to correct any major failures.
Thanks for listening!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Busy as Sheet cake!
Monday, September 14, 2009
The First Amendment
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
So, I am in the car with my BFF (best friend forever) and we are on our way to her middle son's first football game of the season. As we turn the corner to get into the parking lot, we realize there is some kind of protest going on. The protesters are brandishing yellow ribbons, parade-sized versions of Old Glory, and signs bemoaning our president and the new health care plan. They even have a sound system amplifying patriot melodies. Whatever group this is, they have a statement, and they want to be heard.
So, bff huffs and gets disgruntled about them being in her way. Understand that she is 110% a football mom (and that topic is for another post) and these people are in the way of her getting to THE GAME! Her 7 y/o daughter asks what those people are doing. Again, bff huffs, and makes some snarky comment about them being stupid and wanting to spread their stupidness or something to that effect. At this, I had to interject and explain to her daughter that those people were exersizing their first amendment rights. To which bff replies, "Listen, my children are entitled to my opinion, and my opinion only."
Now, under any other circumstances, I would have jumped at the opportunity to jump on my soap box and let her have it with both barrels. Instead I laughed it off, because I know her well enough to know that even though she encourages her children to share her political views, I also know that she is the kind of person that would never prevent her children from developing their own political views. But she isn't alone in her agitation of people exersizing their rights to peacable assembly and free speech.
The current topic of discussion in my English Comp class is "Do you think there is some language that is so patently offensive that it should be banned from public discourse despite our Fisrt Amendment guarantee of free speech?" We read an article today about how Mob Rule has taken over liberal college campuses across the nation, allowing certain political groups to harass and even cause to cancel certain invited speakers if the group doesn't agree with the point of view of the speaker.
What will happen to us as a people when only the politically correct views are allowed to be expressed? Or when only those ideals that are popularly held are allowed to be expressed? Don't forget, slavery and nazism were popular views during their respective times in history. This is not a good direction to be going in. The irony is, that the campuses were this is running rampant have always been known as liberal institutions, once the basteons of open discource on controversial ideas and topics.
This topic hits right to the core of who I am and what I have always tried to stand for. I'm not going to get into it all right now. I have to save some for class. Our first writing assignment is going to be based on this topic. I'll post the finished product here. Come back in a few weeks and check it out.
Thanks for listening...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
She's got the "look"
Okay, the first one I admit, I probably deserved...I was driving north on Groesbeck at 4:45pm today. It was warmish and sunny and I had the windows down when Human League's "Don't You Want Me, Baby?" came on. That song practically defines my teen years! I can't help getting all dramatic and emotional and singing alomg with that one.
So there I am, driving down the road and singing along with Susan Sulley, "...I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar, that much is true..." when this truck in the next lane slows to my pace. I look over and the driver is giving me that look! If it were practically any other song, I would've been embarassed, but I defy you to resist singing along with that iconic 80's tune.
Well, actually, to be perfectly honest, there's actually a plethora of songs I will sing along to with no regard for my appearance, much to the chagrin of my 17 year old son. But can I really be blamed? The 80s where rife with ballads that spoke to my angst-filled adolescent psyche, I just can't help myself! After all, I am a big dork!
The other two occurences, however, were completely unprovoked. I was compelled to seek out my reflection just to see if I had a booger hanging from my nose or something. I know, right?
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I Yam what I Yam!
Recently I was accused of being better to my friends than I am to my own family. Well, maybe that's because my friends have always loved me unconditionally. Maybe because my friends always come to my rescue when needed and never serve me with the bill. Maybe God, in His infinite wisdom, chose to give me, through friendship, the family that genetics and bad luck cheated me out of. I mean, really!
I once had a therapist who told me that I should remove toxic people from my life, even if they are family. He told me I shouldn't feel guilty about wanting to take a step back from them when I needed it. I have recently been taking an inventory of those things about myself that I could use some improvements on. I know that I am not so good at the forgiveness thing and I am working dilligently on this. I am the first to recognise that I am an imperfect creature and I have a lot of work to do before I leave this world. I am not opposed to a little constructive critisism here and there. Let it never be said that I am not constantly seeking self improvement.
But you know what? If you can't figure out how to tell me you are not happy with me without sinking to petty, immature, name calling, you can go flock yourself! I'm not a rug - you do not have permission to walk all over me. I Yam what I Yam and I make no excuses for it!
That's all I have to say on that!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
We should do this more often
You see, my sister and I have been estranged for about 8 years or so. Even before that, my sister had pulled back from our side of the family and didn't participate in family occasions. The few times I've seen my littlest nephew, Scott, age 6, were the night I snuck into the hospital upon his birth, knowing my brother-in-law wouldn't dare make a scene there, and at the few select funerals my sister has attended over the years, and although our family has had it's share of these I don't think I've seen my sister's children in at least 2 or 3 years!
So needless to say, the little one doesn't know me. Her oldest son, Kevin, age 16, now lives with his dad. Her daughter, Linda, age 13, and her middle son, Sam, age 11, remember me, but tend to be a little reserved around me. Sam wasn't allowed to attend the party due to being grounded for his report card. This type of discipline is just one of the many things his father and I don't see eye-to-eye on.
So, upon seeing my niece, I promptly walked over and stood her up and hugged her within an inch of her life. I whispered in her ear and told her that not one day had gone by that I had not loved her. I whispered that she may have to forgive me later, but I wasn't sure I'd be willing to let her go for quite some time. Once the tears slowed down, I reluctantly let her go and turned to see if any of her siblings were there. That's when I spotted the little one in the pool.
I marched over, still in my Sunday best, and shouted for him to come to the side of the pool. I said hello to him and asked him if he knew who I was. He looked at me with confusion in his eyes. I told him I was his auntie Michele and asked him if I could hug him. He kinda shrugged and scooted toward the edge of the pool. I scooped him up and proceeded to hug him within an inch of his life and gave him a volley of kisses and whispered in his ear, "I know you don't know who I am, but I have loved you every day of your life! You can go back to swimming now!" I set him back to rights as he gave me a weird look and went back to terrorizing the girls in the pool.
Shortly after, I changed into my swimsuit and also got into the pool to terrorize the girls. I swear I immediately turned into a 10 year old! I coaxed my niece into the pool and we had a great time swimming, doing somersaults, tossing kids about and having shoot-outs with all the water cannons. There was also a moon bounce which was slippery as all get out due to the pool soaked bouncers. We spent the afternoon going from the pool to the bouncy and back. It really was quite an experience, but anyone that knows me know how much I love to play with the kids and carry on like a fool!
Just before the cupcakes and ice cream where brought out, I noticed my auntie and grama heading around the side of the house. Then suddenly they where on their way back to the patio each on a side of my sister, helping her to traverse the landscape. You see, she's been receiving treatments for cervical cancer and from the news I've received, the chemo's been kicking her butt. But I've also seen her posting on FB and she seems to have a great attitude about her illness, which I understand helps with the healing process.
It's been a difficult year for me, this 2009. First I lost my job, then the bank decided against helping me keep my house, then my baby boy graduated from High School, then I found out my sister was diagnosed and I suddenly found myself dealing with all these emotions at once. I've done a lot of praying, and a lot of crying, and I decided I had to forgive her. Now, this doesn't mean I will soon be forgetting how she hurt me, or how much of my niece and nephews' lives I have missed out on, but I didn't want to carry around the resentment I had a single day longer.
I've been cleaning my house and taking stock of what I want to keep and what I should get rid of in anticipation of being foreclosed on. I figure, the less I have to pay to store while I shack up on some one's couch, the better. I decided that this would be the perfect time to additionally take stock of my emotional baggage and get rid of that as well! I've been looking around my world and asking myself if I really am good Christian or just going thru the motions. I'm working on being the "bigger man" but letting go of the need to let everyone know just WHY I'm the "bigger man". Several weeks ago, I posted a letter of forgiveness to my sister. Since then, I've been working on really meaning it.
I greeted my sister with a, "well, don't you look like hell?" to which she smiled genuinely and said thanks. My comment shocked a few of my cousins and they were obviously non-plussed about it, but I said to them that if I had said, "well, you look great!" she would have just assumed I was lying! My sister laughed and nodded and agreed and they seemed to take that at face value. I went back to playing with the kids. What a great way to spend a day. Although, did you know that bouncing in a moonwalk is like doing lunges? My thighs are KILLING ME as I sit here and type this. I'll have to remember to take a Motrin before bed tonight!
So as the party drew to an end and we all made our ways toward the front of the house to say our goodbyes, I grabbed up my nephew and hugged him and kissed him and told him to never forget how much I love him. As well with my niece, plus I asked them both to pass on my love to their brother Sam and tell him I love him too. Linda was not thrilled with the prospect of passing on a kiss to him, but agreed anyways.
Then I walked over to my sister and for the heck of it, threw my arms around her, expecting a gratuitous hug and nothing more. Instead, she grabbed on to me like it was a matter of life or death and proceeded to give me a hug that can only be compared to what I imagine an actual bear hug would feel like. Eight years seemed to melt away into the atmosphere in that hug. As we stood there, neck to neck, all the love I had for her came rushing out of the box I had been hiding it in and I couldn't keep the tears back. I sobbed and shook, and shivered as we allowed our grip to say all the things that we couldn't, and still we stood grasping one another. I whispered that I loved her and that I was praying for her that I was really happy to be hugging her to which she replied "we should do this more often"
Friday, June 5, 2009
Check-Out Lane Rage
If someone gets in line behind me and they have far fewer items than me, or a whiny, crabby, tired tot-in-tow, or they're old, I let them go in front of me. In the interest of keeping up with the Golden Rule, I feel it only fair since I nearly expect the same treatment if I'm the one with only one item behind the woman with five kids and two shopping carts. Plus, I figure, it can't hurt my Karma, right?
So today, I've got 5 items in my cart. Costco, in their infinite *cough* wisdom has only 3 lanes open and 20 - 25 customers waiting to check out. I figure as soon as I select a lane, the others will start moving at mach speeds so I resign myself to the one furthest away hoping that they will open a new lane near me. As soon as I head in that direction, some woman shopping to resupply an Army regiment slides around the far corner and gets in my destination lane. Oh hell! That always happens!
Just then, two lanes back, a cashier comes out and tells the lady that's next in that line to step over to a new lane. I look around anxiously to see if anyone else is going to move over. Nobody moves. so I excuse myself and cut through the two lines between and get into that lane. Right away some bi!c# in the first lane yells, "Hey, there's a line, you know!"
I turn around calmly and say to the woman, " You're in the line for the other lane. If you wanted to get into this lane, why didn't you move? But, wait, forgive my rudeness. Surely I can see by your smug look that you are far more entitled to the shorter wait than lowly old me. I would be more than willing to allow you to take your rightful place in front of me if you wish!" To which the people in the immediate area all snickered and turned their faces away!
You know what really grinds me? I emphatically follow the important rules of polite society. Just ask anyone that knows me. They'll tell you. I'm a stickler for the rules, well, at least the rules that make sense. Rules that are stupid can get in line behind that bitty at Costco! It really burns me when people try to make me look stupid or rude when I am clearly not the one without manners!
Anyway, that's how my Friday's going. Better luck tomorrow~
O God and Heavenly Father,
Grant to us the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed;
courage to change that which can be changed,
and wisdom to know the one from the other,
through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Sheep Art
Wonder what PETA would have to say about that! lol
Found this over at:
Sunday, May 17, 2009
This is why I love the English language
(best if read outloud)
I take it you already know
of tough and bough and cough and dough?
Others may stumble, but not you,
on hiccough, thorough, laugh and through.
Well done! And now you wish, perhaps,
to learn of less familiar traps?
Beware of heard, a dreadful word,
that looks like beard and sounds like bird.
And dead -- it's said like bed not bead
--and for goodness' sake don't call it deed!
Watch out for meat and great and threat
(They rhyme with suite and straight and debt)
A moth is not the moth in mother,
nor both in bother, broth in brother.
And here is not a match for there,
nor dear and fear for bear and pear.
And then there's dose and rose and lose
--just look them up -- and goose and choose,
and cork and work and card and ward,
and font and front and word and sword,
and do and go and thwart and cart
--come, come I've hardly made a start.
A dreadful language? Man alive.
I'd mastered it when I was five.
- Unknown -
Thursday, May 7, 2009
In brief, it is the story of a man who loses his youngest child, a daughter, to the whims of a murderous madman during a camping trip in the mountains of Eastern Oregon. Police follow his tracks to a cabin in the woods where her bloody dress is found. Her body is never discovered. Five years later, the father is awakened from his grief-stricken, sleep-walking state and bidden to the cabin in the woods at the behest of The Lord, God Almighty, going by the nickname of Papa. Following is an excerpt from the book:
"Mack, for you to forgive this man is for you to release him to me and allow me to redeem him."
"Redeem him?" Again Mack felt the fire of anger and hurt. "I don't want you to redeem him! I want you to hurt him, to punish him, to put him in hell..." His voice trailed off.
Papa waited patiently for the emotions to ease.
"I'm stuck, Papa. I just can't forget what he did, can I?" Mack implored.
"Forgiveness is not about forgetting, Mack. It is about letting go of another person's throat."
"But I thought you forget our sins?"
"Mack, I am God. I forget nothing. I know everything. So forgetting for me is the choice to limit myself. Son," Papa's voice got quiet and Mack looked up at him, directly into his deep brown eyes, "because of Jesus, there is now no law demanding that I bring your sins back to mind. They are gone when it comes to you and me, and they run no interference in our relationship."
"But this man..."
"But he too is my son. I want to redeem him."
"So what then I just forgive him and everything is okay, and we become buddies?" Mack stated softly but sarcastically.
"You don't have a relationship with this man, at least not yet. Forgiveness does not establish relationship. In Jesus, I have forgiven all humans for their sins against me, but only some choose relationship. Mackenzie, don't you see that forgiveness is an incredible power - a power you share with us, a power Jesus gives to all whom he indwells so that reconciliation can grow? When Jesus forgave those who nailed him to the cross they were no longer in his debt, nor mine. In my relationship with those men, I will never bring up what they did, or shame them, or embarrass them."
"I don't think I can do this," Mack answered softly.
"I want you to. Forgiveness is first for you, the forgiver," answered Papa, "to release you from something that will eat you alive; that will destroy your joy and your ability to love fully and openly. Do you think this man cares about the pain and torment you have gone through? If anything, he feeds on that knowledge. Don't you want to cut that off? And in doing so, you'll release him from a burden that he carries whether he knows it or not - acknowledges it or not. When you choose to forgive another, you love him well."
So okay, my hurt isn't quite that tragic, but it is mine. I have nurtured it for years. It has molded me, shaped me, deeply impacted all my other relationships. It is part of who I am. I have tried on repeated occasions to reconcile this broken relationship, tried to bridge the gap. And every time the street commission comes out and puts a "bridge out" sign up and that's all she wrote.
Dear Heavenly Father, Please come into my heart and wash away the burden of grief and hurt I feel toward my sister and renew a right spirit within me. Amen
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Weekend at the Movies

I watched Grey Gardens last night. I have to say, I've never understood how people can live like that? I can hardly go to sleep at night if there are dishes in my sink. I guess it's a good thing I never had the 10 kids I so sorely wanted when I was just a girl! haha
Anyhoo, what a fabulously played dramatic remake of the 1971 documentary of Edith "Big Edie" Ewing Bouvier Beale and her daughter Edith "Little Edie" Bouvier Beale, aunt and first cousin of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis. They lived in this decrepid old mansion in East Hampton, New York.
Big Edie is played by one of my all time favorites, Jessica Lang. I have to say, every time I see Ms Lange in a new role, she blows away all previous reasons to consider her one of the great souls of Hollywood. She literally transformed into the crazy, eccentric, old money, nut job that Big Edie was.
And Drew Barrymore, well, she is genetically predisposed for the dramatic arts, and she does her name proud. Even with the lisp that is still so prominent in her speech, she knocked this one out of the ball park. There were moments when I forgot I was looking at makeup and F/X and the speech impediment melted into her East Hampton/Massechusettes lilt.
This was not the movie for everyone, however, as there is little to no action. Most of the story is told through flashback and the camera lens of the documentarians. But for those that enjoy history, or for those that enjoy a good artsy piece, it is worth the 2 hours.
I give this one 3.5 rages
Friday, May 1, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sunday Scripture
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I <3 Sex Education
He must have thought I was someone he knew because right away, he corrected his hand positions and began to cradle the baby's head with one hand, while supporting the baby's bottom with his other. I smiled and giggled and when he realized he didn't know me at all, he blushed and relaxed his hold on the little joy. His buddy punched him in the arm and I could hear them berating each other with terms of endearment known to parents of teenage boys nation wide!
Oh, the websites spout research and statistics touting their substantive evidence that real life experience is proven to be effective in teaching kids about the reality of raising children. But when you think about it, in my generation we only had the menstruation video and we didn't have pregnancy pacts back then!
While I don't advocate abstinence only policies, I do think it is important for children to be made aware of the consequences of their actions. I think the best thing we can do as parents is to raise our children to have the self confidence and self value to know they will make good decisions.
In the mean time, I think the humiliation these boys endures, while ineffective, sure is entertaining!
“If God loves everyone, why are there different religions?”
I read this on Tom Foreman's blog of letters to President Obama. The question came from his daughter after she was excluded from a group of kids at school because of her religion. This was his answer. I think it is beautiful in it's simplicity. It captures how so many of us feel:
“I think there are different religions,” I told her, “because adults, like children, disagree on things, and sometimes we focus more on those disagreements than on what we have in common. Imagine there was a girl named Katherine. She has a friend at school who calls her that. At dance class, another friend calls her Kathy. And at soccer, a third friend calls her Kate. One day all three of these friends meet, but they do not know they are acquainted with the same girl. One says, ‘My friend Katherine is the nicest girl ever.’ Another says, ‘You are wrong. My friend Kathy is better.’ And the third says, ‘Nonsense, my friend Kate is better than either of your friends.’ I think that is how it is with God. I think we are all praying to the same being, but we use different names and forget that God is big enough to love us all.”
from: God, Please help the world to see You for the loving God that You are and to embrace one another as brothers and sisters in that love. Amen.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Virginity Lie
“Whether it’s delivered through a virginity pledge or by a barely dressed tween pop singer writhing across the television screen, the message is the same: A woman’s worth lies in her ability — or her refusal — to be sexual. And we’re teaching American girls that, one way or another, their bodies and their sexuality are what make them valuable. The sexual double standard is alive and well, and it’s irrevocably damaging young women. “
Reposted from
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Weekend at the Movies

17 Again
Should be titled Same Old Story Again
If you've seen Freaky Friday, Big, 13 Going on 30, or any other variation on this theme, you can skip this movie. That is, unless you absolutely don't mind watching Zach Ephron for an hour and a half. He is rather dreamy.
I give it 1 rages.
Also watched My Best Friend's Girl. Typical Dane Cook filth. I'm really surprised to see Kate Hudson in this one. She isn't known for selecting the most artsy scripts to tie her wagon to, but I'd never peg her for being into the type of vulgarity Dane Cook is known for. Alec Baldwinb turned in an excellent performance as Dane's priggish heathen womanizing douchebag father. Somehow I don't feel the role was a huge stretch for the old guy. The thing I find the hardeswt to swallow about most of Mr. Cooks movies is the continual theme that women really desire to be treated like total crap and that if you want to find true love, you should lie like a dog and trick the woman into falling for you.
I give it 1 rages.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Pickle Surprise!
reposted from:
Spinning Wheel
D. Clayton / Thomas)
Blood, Sweat, & Tears - 1969
What goes up must come down
Spinning wheel got to go 'round
Talking 'bout your troubles it's a crying sin
Ride a painted pony let the Spinning wheel spin
You got no money and you got no home
Spinning wheel all alone
Talking 'bout your troubles and you never learn
Ride a painted pony let the Spinning wheel turn
Did you find the directing sign on the
Straight and narrow highway
Would you mind a reflecting sign
Just let it shine within your mind
And show you the colours that are real
Someone is waiting just for you
Spinning wheel, Spinning true
Drop all your troubles by the riverside
(1: Catch a painted pony on the spinning wheel ride)
(2: Ride a painted pony let the spinning wheel fly)
Okay, so you wanna know what that has to do with me?
I currently aspire to be spinning my wheels. I'd give anything to at least have that much momentum. Spinning wheels would indicate the engaging of gears of some kind, something I currently can't find the motivation to achieve. I feel like I'm stuck in neutral, just waiting for some source of energy to start me in any direction.
Oh, occasionally some force makes contact with me and I go careening off to complete some task, grocery shopping, a birthday party, a committee meeting. But when the source of motion is long gone, I come to rest again.
Once in awhile I even get to feel the joy of being pushed over the top of a hill. These moments are actually exhilarating. I soon pick up speed, maybe fix my hair, put on some make-up. I really engage with my surroundings. But once again, after the momentum is gone, I come to rest and cannot seem to initiate motion again on my own.
To put it succinctly, this really sucks! I am in such a funk and I can't seem to rescue myself. I pray, I promise, I even try to bribe myself. I make plans, set goals, create to-do lists. But without an outside source of forward momentum, I lay motionless. It's really becoming pitiful.
I thought once the weather improved I would snap out of it, but that hasn't happened yet. I had hoped to get in the motor home and go visiting for a while, but with the transmission leaking, I don't dare take a chance, and my mechanic has been incommunicado for almost a week now so no sign of when that will be repaired.
I have my appointment at the Michigan Works office next week. Maybe that will bring the resolution I have been waiting for to get me out of this blah blah land that I am living in. Hopefully they will have good news for me.
Dear God, It's me, Michele. Please help me to contribute to society in a positive way. Please help me to feel valued. Please comfort me in my times of darkness and despair. I know that you have plans for me. Please help me to be patient in learning what those plans are and give me the courage to go in the direction you are leading me.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Nightmares at the gym
Today my dreams finally came true! Sort of. Well, not really, but here's what happened, you be the judge.
Usually after my work out, I like to spread out on a towel in the Arizona Dry Heat Room. I put a towel over my head to block out the light, pop on some meditative music on the iPod and float away into my Arizona dreams...I usually stay around 50 - 60 minutes...til the 140* heat causes my eyelids to stick to my dried out eyeballs!
Now, before you give me some lecture about that not being very healthy and how you're only supposed to stay for up to 20 minutes, let me explain that I gradually worked my way up to that amount of time...I am perfectly fine in there! I've monitored my blood pressure and everything is A-OK!
Afterwards, I like to stretch out on a chaise in the pool room, cover up with my blanket sized towel, replace the towel over my eyes and continue listening to my iPod til my temperature and pulse return to normal. I like to be completely cooled down before I get into the shower. Nothing worse than getting out of the shower and you're still sweaty! Eww Yuck!
Today, as I'm lying there listening to whales mating or rain forest bats eating bugs or some other new age fluff, the pool attendant comes in and loudly proclaims that everyone must exit the pool room. She then turns around without explanation and disappears back into the work out room. We all look at each other rather befuddled and bewildered. Nobody is sure what she means or why.
I get all my things together and walk into the locker room to find out what is going on. A few of the ladies tug their clothing on over wet bathing suits and head for the door. A few others just go back to their beauty routines and gossipping. I ask the lady using the locker next to mine what this is all about. She says she's not sure, but she heard they want us all dressed and out of there.
Well, I was soaked in sweat. There was no way I was going outside in that condition. I figured as long as it was going to take some of those old birds to get dressed, I could get in and out of the shower and still beat them out the door. So I grabbed my toilette and towels and headed back in. I was in the military for 12 years...I can shit, shower and shave faster than anyone I know! I was in and out in about two minutes and back at my locker before my old friend got her duffel bag out and opened.
So I grab my lotion and start slathering it on as fast as I can and just as I draw a stream of it across my arm and onto my chest, the entire Harper Woods Fire Department walks past my locker! Holy Toledo! The locker room attendant yells, "man on deck!" and gives me a dirty look as she saunters on by and says, "I told you to get dressed!"
Well, I can only imagine what my face must have looked like from the other side! I was utterly flabbergasted! The old gal next to me started laughing so hard her uppers slid out! Another old bird walked out of one of the dressing booths only half clad and said, "hell, I ain't got nuttin dem boys ain't seen afore!" Well, maybe she's right, but most of those boys were under 25 and I'm sure they hadn't seen it like she was showing it! lol
The old gal next to me dropped her towel to the floor and proceeded to get dressed as if it was just another day at the gym! I modestly opted to grab my garments and head for the nearest changing booth. They may have seen it before, but they weren't gonna be mortified by mine! hahaha
Turns out one of the guests thought she smelled Carbon Monoxide. Now before you say it, yes, we all know you can't smell Carbon Monoxide, but that's what she kept insisting on...Based on the high standard of sanitation of the staff, I'd say she probably smelled the years and layers of dust/hair/grime burning off the heat vent slats when the hot room fans turn on. It's no wonder they are closing down that location at the end of the month.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Discretion is Highly Overrated
I must admit, I've been waiting for this product my whole life!
A recent poll of the men in the area indicates they would like to have this product recalled. They are starting a petition.
Racist Commercials
Reposted from
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Publik Skule
"Flint will be closing 8 schools at the end of the year. Closing 1/3 of our 35 schools will save us $3.9MM."
Apparently, Flint Public Schools will not be expected to churn out any Mathletes any time soon!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Economy is SOOOOO bad...
CEO’s are now playing miniature golf.
Even people who have nothing to do with the Obama administration aren’t paying their taxes.
Hotwheels and Matchbox stocks are trading higher than GM.
Obama met with small businesses to discuss the Stimulus Package: GE, Pfeizer and Citigroup.
PETA serves chicken wings at their meetings
McDonalds is selling the 1/4- ouncer.
People in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and learned their children’s
A truck of Americans got caught sneaking into Mexico ..
The most highly-paid job is now jury duty.
Dick Cheney took his stockbroker hunting.
People in Africa are donating money to Americans.
Mothers in Ethiopia are telling their kids, “finish your plate, do you know how many kids are starving in the US ?”
Motel Six wont leave the light on.
The Mafia is laying off judges.
reposted from:
Friday, March 20, 2009
Dear President Obama #60: I fought the law…and the lawyers won
Anyway, here's an article from Tom Foreman, he's a regular contributor to AC360. He is on a mission to write a letter a day to Pres Obama. This is letter # 60 and it is very poignant.
Check it out:
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Chick Lit
If you read any good chick lit, let me know - I'd appreciate the info. I've got a list of requests in to my library for the Jen Lancaster set. Looking forward to attending her book signing in Birmingham. Check out her website if you get a chance:
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Welfare Reform?
The article is a bit long, but it reveals the ugly other side of the welfare story. I know most people get their feathers up about the whole welfare issue, but after reading this, I'm hoping you may at least see the human side of why these programs exist and understand that when you say nobody in their right mind would want to live like that, you are correct. Most of these people are NOT in their right minds. What we really need is Mental Health reforms. We need to rid the world of the dark taboos attached to mental illness and recognize the assistance that is needed to get these people to a place in their lives where they can function.
I just watched an episode of Cold Case where the victim was a young mom on welfare. She and her daughter had been thrown from a 3rd story window. The little girl died and the mom was in a coma for 2 years. When she awakes, the detectives are finally able to investigate the incident.
Sadly, it turned out the mom was responsible for the accident. She threw herself and her daughter out the window to escape the social worker her threatened to take the child away from the mother because the mother caught him making advances on the little girl.
I was so enraged watching this drama unfold.
Please say a prayer for all of those unfortunate souls whom are lost to the system. May God watch over the children and protect them from the predators that seek to do them harm. Amen.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Help Feed the Hungry!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
F*** My Life
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Old Lady
So, my golden retriever will be 13 in another month (we think, she's a rescue so age is estimated, but we've always used Easter as her "birthday"). We've been very fortunate in that she has not yet lost continence, well, for the most part. I know that this is a common problem with retrievers around this time in their lives. What she DOES have, is a SHART problem.
**WARNING - this may get a little gross**
For those who don't know what a SHART is, it's when you think you're going to cut the cheese, and instead, you pop out a wee little nugget. Yeah, it's gross, but I warned you it would be!
So, anyway, she's getting to the point were she doesn't ask to go out anymore. She just wanders around the house and sighs alot. Then when you get the hint and ask her if she needs to go out, she jumps up and pops out a shart. Like she's been holding it for so long, the exertion causes the incident!
And what's even funnier is the embarrassment she displays subsequent to these "episodes". She looks downright ashamed! This always amuses me. There's this old saying that goes something like "Doggie farts, warms my heart". But that she actually feels bad about doing this really cracks me up.
This runs completely against how humans behave at that age. I mean, there's these old ladies at my gym that are constantly fouling up the air quality around the treadmills, and believe you me, the deep breathing one does while running on the treadmill can be dang near devastating when one of these grannies craps her pants! And what's worse, they actually get offended if you make faces or noises of disgust. One of them "tched" me the other day when I groaned and started waving my towel in an attempt to fan the air!
Boy,I hope I have as much dignity as my Sheila has when I get older. I sure love that old girl!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
For those who aren't sure what to do with the internet
Friday, March 6, 2009
Weekend at the movies

Well, since losing my job, we have gone low budget on the movies. Lately we've been hitting the 2 for $1 aisles. Last weekend we had an abbreviated John Cusack film fest with a couple of my faves, Serendipity and Say Anything. Nik was impressed with Say Anything, considering it was a 1980's Cameron Crowe.
Both get 3 Rages

I hit a matinee at the show and spied The Reader. I don't recommend this one for any but the bravest World War II/Nazi movie/history buffs. Kate Winslett was intriguing. David Kross's interpretation of his character's' grappling with such intense emotions garners great appreciation. Apparently the book was on Oprah's book list. Shows how out of touch I am!
I give this one 4.5 Rages

Tonight's fare is Out of Africa, a classic love story - and I'm realizing how much my Emily looks like a younger Meryl Streep! It's funny how my Aunt Helen used to think the same thing of me!

What can I say about this film that hasn't already been said? Spectacular, breathtaking, heartbreaking...Nik walked out after 20 minutes...I think his heart is too broken to watch a love story. Poor baby!
Of course, this one gets the full 5 Rages!
40 days, Mar 5 and 6

For Thursday:
Today I am grateful to my Green Task Force members. These folks may get torqued up about the environment and everyone else thinks they are crazy, but without enthusiastic, passionate people like them and others or their kind, the greed mongers would have used up this planet a few decades ago and we'd all be Crackers!
Thanks for your unyielding passionate dedication to keeping it green!
I love you, fellow tree huggers!
For Friday:
Today I am grateful for cable guys that let my dog and cat climb all over them. It's nice to see men being so compassionate to animals. My animals are usually pretty good judges of character, and you, Carlos, are A-OK in my book!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
40 Days of Gratitude - Wed, Mar 4
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
40 Days - Tues March 3

Today I am grateful to the little nutter at Panera that ordered the wrong thing for his girlfriend (got Hot Chocolate/was supposed to be Iced Hot Chocolate - how is that possible?) and donated the error to me! Yeah! Thank you, God for kind-hearted, generous people. They help restore my faith in Humanity!
Monday, March 2, 2009
40 Days of Gratitude Part II

I owe you three days. Here are my picks:
Andrew Lobsinger, Andrew Lloyd Webber, the inventor of the iPod.
Here's why:
Andrew Lobsinger - for providing endless hours of entertainment. There was a time when you wouldn't come anywhere near me. Now you feel comfortable enough to "show off your talents". Thank you for being such a lovely little man!
Andrew Lloyd Webber - for providing endless hours of entertainment. Your plays have inspired me, comforted me, humored me. They're like old friends that blow into town occasionally and sweep me off my feet
the inventor of the iPod - for providing endless hours of entertainment. My iPod allows me relative obscurity when I'm in the hot room at the gym. It allows me to check out for a while and just really relax and reconnect.
See you soon!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Ben & Jerry's
okay, here's the gist of it for those that don't want to go dragging through another person's blog:
Ben &Jerry created "Yes Pecan!" ice cream flavor for Obama. They then asked people to fill in the blank to the following:
For George W. Bush, we should create "_________".
Here are some of their favorite responses:
1. Grape Depression
2. Abu Grape
3. Cluster Fudge
4. Nut'n Accomplished
5. Iraqi Road
6. Chock 'n Awe
7. WireTapioca
8. Impeach Cobbler
9. Guantanmallow
10. imPeachmint
11. Good Riddance You Lousy Motherfucker. Swirl
12. Heck of a Job, Brownie!
13. Neocon Politan
14. RockyRoad to Fascism
15. The Reese's-cession
16. Cookie D'oh!
17. The Housing Crunch
18. Nougalar Proliferation
19. Death by Chocolate. and Torture
20. Credit Crunch
21. Country Pumpkin
22. Chunky Monkey in Chief
23. George Bush Doesn't Care About Dark Chocolate
24. WM Delicious
25. Chocolate Chimp
26. Bloody Sundae
27. Caramel Preemptive Stripe
28. I broke the law and am responsible for the deaths of thousands - with nuts.
40 Days Of Gratitude
"Welcome to 40 Days of Gratitude.
Here's how it works: pick a person in your life (at home, at work, in the family, God counts too) to thank for something [anything] once a day for the 40 Days of Lent. Be unrelenting in gratitude. Think to thank. Set a low bar so you can clear it everyday. You don't have to bring the person you thank to tears of joy. Just a simple thanks for the simple things. At least once a day, every day, catch 'em doing something that a thankful person would be thankful for and pretend you're that person!
Of course, you're free to do it some other way if you like (I'm blogging it). But do something. Lent is the time frame that it takes most of us to form a new habit--roughly six weeks. Wouldn't it be great to have the new habit of daily gratitude? After Easter, you'll be a more thankful person."
okay, so because I'm a few days behind, today I am giving thanks to the following:
My BFF, my good friend Tim, and Jade, the pool room attendant at my gym. Here's why:
My BFF - for too many reasons to list. Mostly for swooping in when I most need it and keeping me from going face down in my chicken soup. - you rock!
Tim - for holding my hand through the last (2 months for me, 6 months for you) few months as we watched them rip the band-aid off so slowly. Some days you were the only thing keeping me together
Jade - even though your job sucks buckets! you are mostly in a good mood and always up for some good conversation. I'd probably still come to the gym if you weren't there, but you make the experience that much less painful.
Okay, so, see you next time!
Hold the Phone!
I HATE teenagers!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
OCD – Oh yeah, I have it.

So, an interesting quirk of my compulsive behaviors is that I am obsessed with even numbers. This means that when I eat candies, I have to eat the same quantity on each side of my mouth. If I end up with an uneven # of M & Ms at the end of the bag, I have to throw them away. And then add in the fact that there are different colors! One brown, one light brown, one red, each side. One green, one blue, each side. Mars would make me a very happy freak if they would stick to a pattern when filling their bags. Oh, and Mike and Ike’s! There are never enough green candies to eat more than half of a box.
This even number compulsion extends to every corner of my consciousness. Take for example my freakish need to have the TV volume set to a level divisible by 5. 25, 30, 35. My TV likes odd #s, so it can take me a minute or two to get the volume to land on 30, which then insites the ire of my equally OCD son. FM radio makes me insane! All those odd #s! I usually prefer to leave it on NPR and switch the display to clock setting so I don’t have to see it. That or I just pop in my iPod and try to forget about it.
It’s not an easy life for us freaks, but at least some of us have amusing quirks that redeem us instead of controlling us.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

So, I reply that I am doing as well as can be expected. I'm not going to lie to her, but I'm not going to lay it all on her, either. She was really only trying to be polite. It's not like we're pals or anything.
So then I tell her about China and Darfur and all of that. She tells me I must have a lot of courage to be contemplating such assignments. I don't really feel courageous, I just feel like I have the skills needed and nothing to keep me from it, so...
Then she pulls me closer and in hushed tones says, "Maybe you would know how to help me!"
I'm intrigued. So I ask her to elaborate.
She then tells me that she got into some trouble. See, what happened is, she was on the interwebs interwebbing, and she saw this advert for a risk free trial of Acai Berry. It was just $10 for the shipping and handling, so she decided to try it. Five months later, she noticed that she was being charge $79/month for the stuff.
**First of all, friends and family, do yourselves a flavor and check your dang statements EVERY month. Scrutinize those puppies! Every day there are stories in the news about identity theft. With all the technology available, you should be checking this stuff online every few days. You should be able to identify unrequested charges immediately and report them to your banks and/or credit card companies immediately!**
It took her several attempts to cancel, she was either kept on hold for long periods of time or couldn't get thru the links on the Internet web-site.
Finally, she was able to cancel her subscription for the product, but now she wants to know how she can get her money back?
Let me tell you what Ms. Sally always told me,
"If it seems to good to be true, it probably is."
"There's no such thing as a free lunch!"
There's this thing called GOOGLE. Learn how to use it and save yourself much heartache and many $$$

There are over 130,000 possible matches on Google for "acai berry risk free trial" and 32,500 for "acai berry risk free trial scam"
Page after page of consumer complaints. There's even an account about how even if you cancel out of the risk free trial order form without ordering, they will track you down and hound you for an order.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
I have the BESTEST friends in the whole wide world!
A very good friend called the other night and said she had something she was sending me in the mail that would be VERY useful for when I go on job interviews. Knowing this friend it could be just about anything, I mean really, she is WAY out there. But considering the seriousness of my current economic and employment position, I assumed she'd send me some handy "list of things not to forget when going on an interview" or some book on "interview tips for dummies" or something of that nature.
So when I opened up the package and found the t-shirt pictured above, I thought, "You know what they say about ASS-uming!" And then I proceeded to have a 15 minute fit of hard, rib bruising, tears-streaming-down-my-face, hysterical laughter.
Better than 1, you MADE MY DECADE!!!!
I LOVE my friends!
there is no more, I just forgot to remove the HTML! psych!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Pray With Me

As some of you already know, I am losing my job. I have one week left and then I'm out there with the other 3 million people looking for
meaningful work. As much as I would like to find another job in the
area, the cold hard reality is there just aren't that many jobs out
there. I have settled myself on the idea that I'm going to have to
think outside of the box, look in a new direction. This is both an
exciting and terrifying time but I am faithful that God will provide
for me, so that gives me a peace and latitude to look at my situation
from many different angles.
Nikolas graduates in May and since I will more than likely lose my
house to foreclosure, this leaves me with few strings to tie me to the
area. I have always wanted to do mission work, and so I have applied
to several NGOs for positions out of the country. After many weeks of
anticipation, I've finally had a response to my requests. The ELCA is
currently reviewing my application and considering me for a position
to work in China teaching English. They are sending out emails to my
references. If you are contacted by the ELCA, please give me a good
Please join me in lifting this in prayer that the foundation will
place me in a position where I can best do God's work and contribute
to the needs of His kingdom.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Stupid, Stupid, Stupid
Teach me to love all Your blessed children.
I know You love each and every one of Your creations.
And I know You must especially love stupid people, otherwise you wouldn't have made so many of them.
Stupidity is its own Punishment

the key to understanding stupid people is to realize that they are not bright enough to know how stupid they truly are. Somewhere on the brain gene, there is a tiny cluster that causes the profoundly moronic to be unable to grasp the full scope of their own moronitude; thus keeping them from throwing themselves under moving locomotives in despair. It is an evolutionary blessing, really. After all, if all of the lack-wits offed themselves due to the knowledge of their own stunted cognitive state, who would deliver my pizza, ask if I want fries with that, or make up the voting body of the Republican party?