I am in absolute awe of the miracles I have been a part of. I will, for the rest of my life, look back on my experience in Haiti and know, unequivicably, that this is where the rubber meets the ashpalt, faith-wise. I came here with so many expectations that soon were modified in the most negative of ways. I had serious lapses in my faith and even had to seriously consider the salience of my choice to come down here.
In the last 5 days I have had to really evaluate my reasons for doing this, and now am so much firmer in my conviction that the choice to give up a year in my life was not really my own. There is nothing I am doing down here that is for my benefit alone, and yet, everything I am doing is for my benefit.
I have grown so much as a person since I have been here. I just don't even know how to begin to describe the personal growing pains I have been through since moving down here.
You just can't make this stuff up!
Anyhoo, I will sit down and try to put this experience into some media or another when I finally figure out which media is my voice when all the dust settles on this journey of discovery.
Till then, Peace!