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Thursday, September 30, 2010

At least I made someone smile

So, my days are getting increasingly more crappy. I seem to fall apart over the littlest things anymore. I've done more crying this past month than I did the previous few years put together. I know I'm getting close to a breaking point and I try each day to find at least one thing to keep me going.

So, today, just as I was about to fall apart, I happened upon a woman in my Kroger store's frozen food section. She had the tell-tale head wrap of someone going through Cancer treatment. There was a section of Pink Ribbon items in the middle of the aisle and I could see her getting a little emotional as she rummaged through the bins.

As she came to realize I was looking at her she got that look. You know, the one that says, "Please don't look at me like I'm a contagious." So I quickly smiled and went on my way wondering if she thought I was a psycho or something.

I checked out and as I was loading my items in my backseat I remembered I had swiped a bunch of "I survived" pins from the Macomb County Making Strides kick-off party. I dug down in my bag and found one and spied the lady pushing her cart into the cart corral a few lanes away. I got in my car and pulled over to her lane and got out and walked up to her car. Now I'm sure she thinks I'm a psycho. Who wouldn't?

I held my hands up to show her I meant no harm and then as she rolled her window down I apologized for staring, introduced myself and told her I noticed her looking at the Pink Ribbon stuff. She guffawed and said that if she broght another pink item home her husband would probably throttle her. I asked her if she knew that the American Cancer Society has resources to help patients and their families deal with a diagnosis. She said yes, she was already getting help from them.

Then I showed her the button and asked her if I could give it to her. She looked up at me with a hint of a tear in her eyes and nodded her head. She reached out with one hand and took the button, and with the other, grabbed my arm and said "Thank you!" I gave her a flier for "Making Strides" and walked back to my car.

It took me a few minutes to recompose myself. I may have had a really crappy day today, but for just a moment, I felt like a hero!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Beginnings

If you could get a job doing anything anywhere, what would it be?

I would be teaching english and bible school in a foreign country. In a perfect world, I would be able to find a way to do this without the 7 years of school it would require for the degrees necessary to get one of these positions.

Any ideas?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


FGOs (Effing Growth Opportunities)

Saw this acronym on a post on one of the blogs I follow - gonna adopt it into my vernacular, I think. It aptly describes the last 10 years of my life. Wait, who am I kidding? It describes the last 41 years of my life~!

Fun with Videos

So, lately I've been playing around aLOT with You tube and google videos. It's amazing the amount of stuff that is out there. I was in one of the discussion forums for one of my online classes and the discussion led me to comment about an old drive-in that used to be located in my hometown. Right away I had to go to YouTube and look for a video of the old drive in concession bumper. I was blown away by all the clips they had related to that. Brought back such fond memories as I was tooting around looking for vids to post to my FB to share with the rest of my peeps.

It's like a whole new style of communication in the digital age, kind of like how early adapters used to use midi files to accentuate our "chat" conversations "way-back-when" lol!

Tell me some of your favorite places to walk down memory lane...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Conversations with myself

Well, there are a few things I'd like to say to a few people that just wouldn't be prudent at this time. So, I'm going to say them to myself.

Here goes:

*You really piss me off when you walk around here like little miss oh I'm so special and you're sweet to everyone but me. Get over it. I hurt your feelings. I said I'm sorry. Pull up your big girl panties and get on with life.

*I really can't figure out where I went wrong. How did you spend all that time with me and still end up thinking and acting the way you do?

*I really miss you and I don't think you put me high enough on your priority list. I feel like I should be more important to you.

*I don't understand why you continue to shut me out. I am the closest living relative they have on earth besides you. It hurts me to the point of crippling me that you won't let me be a part of their lives.

*So I took advantage of you. I was wrong to do that. But just for a moment I wanted to pretend that you hadn't done the same thing to me all those years ago.

*acknowledge me, dammit!

*I no longer have the desire to have a relationship with you. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me...I won't be fooled a third time.

*if I was any lonelier, I'd be a big-haired 80s rock ballad.