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Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Well, it's been a few weeks since I've had the motivation to put my thoughts down to words. Actually, I've wanted to but refrained for fear of the nasty bits I was afraid would spew forth. It's been one hell of a year and I'm both excited and terrified of what the new one will bring.

The past month has been a whirlwind of emotional and spiritual upheaval. It began with the announcement that the large company I work for would be cutting 2500 employees globally. As I am at the bottom of my seniority pool, this did not give me a warm fuzzy.

After numerous assurances by my management that they were doing everything they could to ensure that I would be retained, I received my separation package the week before Christmas. Merry Christmas to me, right? I vowed to be a big girl about it, after all, this is a global economic crisis and I'm in pretty good shape otherwise, so what did I have to be upset about?

I took to holding my very own pity party which lasted a week or so, give or take, and then began to really think about what I want to be when I grow up. After all, I am only 39 years old, in fairly good health, not awful on the eyes, personable, and genuinely an interesting person. I really have little to hold me here in Michigan. My son is graduating HS in the spring (God Willing!) and I'm romantically unattached. My sister hasn't spoken to me for years and I have no contact with my niece and nephews. No parents to visit, and most of my friends are so busy we only seem to be able to get together a few times a year. I love to travel and to give back to the earth and the community...

I think I may have decided to chuck it all and go exploring! I have always wanted to travel the world and do mission work. I think I will begin by taking some time off, and maybe do the backpack/Europe thing. After that, I'm hoping to be able to fill my time with mission trips and occasional return trips home to check on the kids.

I'm sure, eventually, I will become a grandma and have a reason to stick around. At that time, hopefully the economy will have settled and I'll be able to find meaningful work somewhere in a warmer clime perhaps!

For now, I am doing the research, looking in to selling my house, or at least renting it out...maybe I'll just let the bank take it back and not worry about that extra bit of string to tie me to Michigan! I'm going to sell and give away as many of my possessions as I can and I'll store what's left...I've got an excellent collection of Saint Nik's I'd like to hold on to if I can!

Well, if you have any ties to anyone in Europe that would be welcoming to housing a stranger for a night or two or 10, let me know!

Peace and Happy New Year!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Weekend at the movies

I was sick with a nasty sinus infection/cold/flu/virus this weekend and spent most of my time watching movies online. Here's what I watched and what I thought of each movie:

City Of Ember - neat little sci fi, except for the creepy giant beetle blood sucker monster thingy. Some untold life-as-we-know-it-ending crisis forces the powers that be to create this city below the surface of the earth. The hope is that if they create this society of people that has never been influenced by the outside world, these people may emerge some 200 years later with the ability to start life on teh planet all over and not repeat the same msitakes that brought about the untold life-as-we-know-it-ending crisis.
The powers that be leave instructions for escape from the city. However, something happens during the reign of the 7th mayor and the box with the instructions is lost.

Some time past the 200 year mark, with the city falling apart around them, the citizens decide it is time to investigate how to fix their city. A couple of teenagers happen upon the instructions for escape. The rest of the story is their crazy adventures to get out of the city.

Interesting story, great cast, hope to read the books. I give it 1.3 thumbs up

Australia - I'm assuming the cinematography was spectacular, with all it's sweeping Baz Luhrmann aerial shots, but I had a really lousy pixalated pirated copy so I just pretended. The story was okay. As a person of mostly European decent, I get a little annoyed at story after story of just how elitist white people are, but the reality was/is that racism is real. I have friends AND family members that have had to endure lifetimes of racial bias because of their blended ethnicities. It's real and it's ugly and it's ignorant.

So, the premise of this story is a british Lady's trip to Australia to help her mostly estranged husband tie up his affairs and bring him home. When she arrives, 50 trunks and hatboxes in toe, she discovers that he has been murdered. After much ado, she desides to save his cattle station and go on a drove to take the cattle to market. The only problem is, there wasn't enough character build up and it's entirely hard to believ that this "Lady" is capable of all of this tenacity.

Built into the story os a romance between her and her drover, an utterly sexy, young Harrison Ford-like Hugh Jackman. Also, they have a young half-caste with them. The story is interspersed with the plight of the stolen generation of halp white-half aboriginal children that are uncerimoniously rounded up and taken to an island to be de-programmed of their uncultured, primitave tendancies.

All in all, the racism is nasty, the cattle droving is treacherous, the romance is subtle and the scenery is breathtaking (again, I imagine this, but I'm pretty sure it is anyway!)I give it 1.5 thumbs up

Four Christmases - I will not dignify this movie with a review, let's just say that if I hadn't been in a Tylenol cold medicine blue coma, I would not have watched this thru to the end...thank goodness it was free online, although I think they should pay me back for the 1.5 hours I lost! Gah!

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - cutesy girly coming of age story. We find the girls 2 or three years in the future, all attending colleges and muddling thru dysfunctional love lives and family lives. As is typical of girl cliques post HS graduation, they are all learning to live their individual lives and develop into their own personalities. Each get the pants for a week at a time over the summer and each gets to experience her own grown u pwoman dilema and pants assisted miracles...

nice chick flick, but is Alexis Bledle ever going to look older than 12? I think she may actually have drank from the magic spring from The Foster's little forest and became everlasting! I give it 1 thumb up.

The Way of War - This was a very confusing film. I'm not really sure I ever got the story. I tried to find some info on the story online and discovered that the movie's obscurity is just as confusing as the plot. Cuba Gooding seemed just as confused as any viewer stuck watching it.

Confusing plot, unresolved story line, I give it 1.5 thumbs down.

Stay tuned...