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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It's not Baracnophobia, it's common sense!!

Ms. Sally told me she thinks she will vote for Barack because she heard him give a speech at Wayne State today and he said he thinks "the government" should subsidize college tuition so that every kid that has the grades to go to school can get a degree!!!

Is she nucking futz? Does she and all the rest of the bleeding heart liberals realize that the government doesn't have a money making machine? They fund these programs how? With MY frikken tax dollars!!!

Oh, now don't get me wrong! I agree that college tuition is ridiculously out of range for your average person...But does that mean I should be the one paying for everyone else to go to school?

Uh, hello? Let's find ways to make college tuition more affordable by cutting some of the ridiculous incentive programs and scholarships for athletic programs...since they don't lead to professions requiring degrees anyways!!!

Do people realize "the government" doesn't make money? Stop expecting "the government" to "do something about" every damn thing and lets start tightening the belt somewhere else...Let's stop all these BS subsidies and start letting people donate money to the causes they find value for...

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Over active imagination

I'm sitting here watching the 2007 adaptation of SYBIL and it's bringing back these intensely visual memories of my first experience with the story when it was originally aired on TV in 1976. I was 7 years old and so of course I wasn't permitted to stay up and watch it.

This must have angered me as I recall I refused to go to sleep. I played possum until my mother was convinced I was asleep and then spent the next two nights listening intently to the drama play out on our 13 inch black and white.

Because I couldn't see the movie, I created the characters in my imagination and because I couldn't see what was happening, I created events to match what I thought I understood the audio to be describing. How interesting it would be to play that movie as my little 7 year old mind understood it.

I don't recall the entire story that I made up in my mind, but I recall I didn't sleep for several days after that. I was disturbed by the sounds of Chopin and Beethoven and glass breaking.

It was many years before I actually saw the movie. I remember being more disturbed by my version, though, so I was a little disappointed in the real version. Except for the rape by button hook. I'm quite certain I had no idea what that was. I was appalled to find out what that was!

What a difference a few decades make. Now I'm sitting here just hating the community she grew up in and the father that was so absent any compassion.

I wonder if Ms. Peabody would think that it was Hattie's prerogative to beat her child any way she saw fit?

Thank God for child advocacy...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I can ride my bike with no handle bars, no handle bars

Well, shit! That's all I have to say. Actually, I have more to say than that. Crap, Dang, Pooh! You ever get the idea that fate is sitting up there on a cloud just getting a good damn laugh at you? I do, most days. Let me tell you bought today!

I ate like a pig all day. Not sure why, but I just couldn't get enough carbs. So when we got home from taking grama shopping and stopping for a bite to eat, I decided to go for a bike ride. I put on my new capris and a matching t-shirt, my cute little white tiger's ball cap with my pony tail thru the back, loaded my back pack, donned my ipod and off I went.

I wasn't even two blocks from my house when I accidentally engaged the front brakes and went head first over the handle bars. Holy Shit that pavement came up to meet me quickly. How frikken embarrassing! There I am, Laying in a crumpled heap on the lawn next to my bike laying on the side walk. A couple of ladies that were driving by at the time stopp ed to see if I was okay. I was. But man I was pissed at myself.

So, hear I sit, on my bed, ice pack on my now swollen knee, bemoaning the three weeks of chiropractic visits down the drain. Now my whole weekend is shot. I had a laundry list of stuff to do around the house that will have to wait.
