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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The past month has been a whirlwind of emotional and spiritual upheaval. It began with the announcement that the large company I work for would be cutting 2500 employees globally. As I am at the bottom of my seniority pool, this did not give me a warm fuzzy.
After numerous assurances by my management that they were doing everything they could to ensure that I would be retained, I received my separation package the week before Christmas. Merry Christmas to me, right? I vowed to be a big girl about it, after all, this is a global economic crisis and I'm in pretty good shape otherwise, so what did I have to be upset about?
I took to holding my very own pity party which lasted a week or so, give or take, and then began to really think about what I want to be when I grow up. After all, I am only 39 years old, in fairly good health, not awful on the eyes, personable, and genuinely an interesting person. I really have little to hold me here in Michigan. My son is graduating HS in the spring (God Willing!) and I'm romantically unattached. My sister hasn't spoken to me for years and I have no contact with my niece and nephews. No parents to visit, and most of my friends are so busy we only seem to be able to get together a few times a year. I love to travel and to give back to the earth and the community...
I think I may have decided to chuck it all and go exploring! I have always wanted to travel the world and do mission work. I think I will begin by taking some time off, and maybe do the backpack/Europe thing. After that, I'm hoping to be able to fill my time with mission trips and occasional return trips home to check on the kids.
I'm sure, eventually, I will become a grandma and have a reason to stick around. At that time, hopefully the economy will have settled and I'll be able to find meaningful work somewhere in a warmer clime perhaps!
For now, I am doing the research, looking in to selling my house, or at least renting it out...maybe I'll just let the bank take it back and not worry about that extra bit of string to tie me to Michigan! I'm going to sell and give away as many of my possessions as I can and I'll store what's left...I've got an excellent collection of Saint Nik's I'd like to hold on to if I can!
Well, if you have any ties to anyone in Europe that would be welcoming to housing a stranger for a night or two or 10, let me know!
Peace and Happy New Year!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Weekend at the movies
City Of Ember - neat little sci fi, except for the creepy giant beetle blood sucker monster thingy. Some untold life-as-we-know-it-ending crisis forces the powers that be to create this city below the surface of the earth. The hope is that if they create this society of people that has never been influenced by the outside world, these people may emerge some 200 years later with the ability to start life on teh planet all over and not repeat the same msitakes that brought about the untold life-as-we-know-it-ending crisis.
The powers that be leave instructions for escape from the city. However, something happens during the reign of the 7th mayor and the box with the instructions is lost.
Some time past the 200 year mark, with the city falling apart around them, the citizens decide it is time to investigate how to fix their city. A couple of teenagers happen upon the instructions for escape. The rest of the story is their crazy adventures to get out of the city.
Interesting story, great cast, hope to read the books. I give it 1.3 thumbs up
Australia - I'm assuming the cinematography was spectacular, with all it's sweeping Baz Luhrmann aerial shots, but I had a really lousy pixalated pirated copy so I just pretended. The story was okay. As a person of mostly European decent, I get a little annoyed at story after story of just how elitist white people are, but the reality was/is that racism is real. I have friends AND family members that have had to endure lifetimes of racial bias because of their blended ethnicities. It's real and it's ugly and it's ignorant.
So, the premise of this story is a british Lady's trip to Australia to help her mostly estranged husband tie up his affairs and bring him home. When she arrives, 50 trunks and hatboxes in toe, she discovers that he has been murdered. After much ado, she desides to save his cattle station and go on a drove to take the cattle to market. The only problem is, there wasn't enough character build up and it's entirely hard to believ that this "Lady" is capable of all of this tenacity.
Built into the story os a romance between her and her drover, an utterly sexy, young Harrison Ford-like Hugh Jackman. Also, they have a young half-caste with them. The story is interspersed with the plight of the stolen generation of halp white-half aboriginal children that are uncerimoniously rounded up and taken to an island to be de-programmed of their uncultured, primitave tendancies.
All in all, the racism is nasty, the cattle droving is treacherous, the romance is subtle and the scenery is breathtaking (again, I imagine this, but I'm pretty sure it is anyway!)I give it 1.5 thumbs up
Four Christmases - I will not dignify this movie with a review, let's just say that if I hadn't been in a Tylenol cold medicine blue coma, I would not have watched this thru to the end...thank goodness it was free online, although I think they should pay me back for the 1.5 hours I lost! Gah!
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - cutesy girly coming of age story. We find the girls 2 or three years in the future, all attending colleges and muddling thru dysfunctional love lives and family lives. As is typical of girl cliques post HS graduation, they are all learning to live their individual lives and develop into their own personalities. Each get the pants for a week at a time over the summer and each gets to experience her own grown u pwoman dilema and pants assisted miracles...
nice chick flick, but is Alexis Bledle ever going to look older than 12? I think she may actually have drank from the magic spring from The Foster's little forest and became everlasting! I give it 1 thumb up.
The Way of War - This was a very confusing film. I'm not really sure I ever got the story. I tried to find some info on the story online and discovered that the movie's obscurity is just as confusing as the plot. Cuba Gooding seemed just as confused as any viewer stuck watching it.
Confusing plot, unresolved story line, I give it 1.5 thumbs down.
Stay tuned...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
politics as usual
Take Joe Ashtray, for example. He pulled up in the parking lot of the elementary school, tailed by soft tendrils and billowy plumes of smoke. As his truck neared, I realized that the smoke was not of mechanical nature, but rather the result of the operator’s personal habits. The smog smelled like a mix of legal and illegal tobacco products.
Joe not-so-gracefully stumbled from the cab of his red Ford pick-up truck, the rear windows of which were emblazoned with assorted stickers of the Rebel and “piss on Chevy” ilk, as empty pop bottles and fast food garbage came tumbling out around his feet. Most likely they were trying to escape the oxygen challenged environment they had been forced to share. After tossing a “hey baby” in my direction, Joe staggered past to the door of the “gymatorium” to play his part in making American History.
After a few minutes, Joe grumbled about having to stand in line for so long. He complained to the nice little old ladies that volunteer their time to this process sometimes 4 times a year. Accusingly he demanded that he should be allowed in the “other” line (there was only one line, but it snaked its way around the room, trying to accommodate the record turn out).
We had been in line for about 10 minutes when Joe excitedly pronounced to no one in particular that this was his first time voting. Sadly it was hard to gauge his age due to what can only be assumed was a lifetime of substance abuse, but if I had to wager, I’d say he was at least my age. That leaves at least 5 other presidential elections he didn’t bother to vote in. Even more sadly, most of his peers nodded in agreement.
Joe proclaimed that he was very excited to finally be able to vote to legalize marijuana! Several people around concurred. There were a few “yeah baby”s and a few “Amen to that brutha”s. And it dawned on me…these dolts are possibly only here because they believe proposal 1 is going to legalize marijuana!
There were several debates about who was more screwed up, Bush or Palin. Lots of people revealed their ignorance of the issues. Most had no idea that the election, at least in our precinct, included 3 proposals, and 26 separate elections, ranging from POTUS to city clerk and school board. Most didn’t realize that we get to vote for judges!
Hello? Don’t they still teach about the 3 branches of government in public school?
Oh, brutha!
I could go on, but suffice it to say…I’m moving to Canada…
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
21st Century British Invasion and Girlie Crushes

OK, I admit it. As juvenile and insane as it may seem, I have an utter and complete girlie crush on Jim Sturgess, the British actor. I just can't get enough of him.
I think I know how my mom felt every time she and Julie gushed over the Fab Four, "Oh, Paul!"
I'm going to be 39 in less than a week and I'm actually contemplating hanging a poster of Jim in my bedroom! I may even subscribe to Tiger Beat magazine, (if it still exists) just to get the latest scoop on him. I find him absolutely adorable and dreamy. Every movie with him in it that I watch just reaffirms for me that he is the boy I wanna marry when I grow up, (like that's ever gonna happen! - the me growing up part, not the me marrying him part...I shall keep my delusions a little while longer, thank you very much!)
I haven't felt this way in ages! and I love it!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Drunken Pedicures
So, I'm probably going to regret drunk posting tomorrow, but I'm so full of witty repartee and I have no one to dazzle with it! so you are getting 100% unadulterated Rager Raging tonight! Hope you deserve it!
Gah! I read a plaque somewhere that said raising teenagers is like trying to nail jello to a tree. I think the author was WAY too ambitious! Gah!
So, Wednesday we went to the school to adjust my beautiful, intelligent, well rounded son's schedule for his Sr. year in high school. He decided it would be a fabulous idea to skip a year of math since he already had the required 3 credits of math. This was our first of many arguments. Because he had Algebra II last year, his only choices were Pre-Calc or statistics. As statistics is not a college prep class, that one is not even on the table. The principle won't even consider it. And he's not even going to dignify Nik's idea of NOT taking a math class this year. Out of the question.
Next topic, he's taking Nik out of Honor's English (which was supposed to be AP English, but not enough kid's had the required GPA so they lowered it to Honor's) even though the previous principle allowed the acceptance of his application into the program. His reason: Nik FAILED 11th grade English. Not only that, but brace yourself...he failed summer school English. Why? because he never bothered to turn in his final Research Paper. The one that he never told his mother he was assigned! Gah!!!
So, once the principle realizes that this is the first I'm hearing of this assignment, he apologizes, and he and Nik discuss whether or not he should be allowed to make it up. The principle gives in, and tells Nik he has 24 hours to complete this 4 page paper and get it turned in so he can have a passing grade for the summer school class that cost me $350 on top of the $6500 tuition I had already paid for him to fail two of his classed for the year.
Then, because of scheduling conflicts, and because my child lives a charmed life, he's going to have to allow him to take Honor's English, on top of Honor's Chem II and Pre-Calc...buh-bye social life for his Senior year...cuz now I'm going to have to baby sit him every step of the way...
I'm going to glaze over the details of the emotional break down both of us suffered at this point. Some very close friends and family members know the details. For the rest of my viewing public, suffice it to say that I now understand why some animals eat their young. Nik suffered what I can only assume was a brief mental breakdown, caused himself some minor physical harm and tried to play it off as my fault. Typical. But I have NO FRIGGEN IDEA where to go from here. Do I check him in somewhere and put him even further behind this year, or do I try to get him past this and hope he learns to get thru the hard shit. (pardon my language, but some instances just call for the hard stuff!)
I opt for the latter. I strip him of all individualism, take away all his electronic devices, and set him to task getting all of his assignment done. (oh, I forgot to mention, he had 3 books on his required reading list for AP - now Honor's - English class that needed to be journaled, that he deceived me into believing he had done in Summer School English - lies! all lies!)
So, fast forward to Sunday night...he still has ZERO written and has just discovered that he no longer has the instructions for writing the journals and none of his friends are in answering their cell phones - holiday weekend and all. I've been slaving away doing ALL of his chores for the last 4 days to make sure he didn't have any external stresses so he would be able to focus 100% on these assignments...I come in at 8:30 pm, tired, hungry, filthy and exhausted and he wants to know what's for dinner?
I lost my mind! I blew! I let him have it! I screamed! I called him names! I threatened him with bodily harm!
I won't go into all the details, but 3 hours later and 2 very large, very generous lemon drop martinis later, he's finished writing what he needed and I've just completed my first drunk pedicure...which, by the way, I'm terrified to see what it will look like tomorrow! Friends should never let friends give themselves drunk pedicures!
Maybe I'll post
Gah! I'd better get a HOUSEful of grand children or I'm gonna be one pissed off old lady!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Party Success!
How I survived the graduation party...
It's been intensely stressful around the automotive plants in Michigan lately. What with everyone looking over their shoulder wondering who's going to be tapped and who's going to be left holding the bag. So it goes without saying that we need to be extra vigilant in preparing ourselves to resist the temptation of stress eating, especially in party situations. Our Weight Watchers leader gave our group a set of tools that will help us successfully watch our weight while on vacations and at large gatherings. I had the opportunity to put most of them to work this weekend.
Here's what happened:
I had a family graduation party. This particular aunt is Italian, so it goes without saying that there was ample opportunity to "mange". In addition, she has these two friends, sisters, also Italian, and they usually help cater her affairs. And man, can these ladies cook. So, I arrive at the party and walk into the garage just as they are setting up the food tables. They had sweet and sour meatballs, creamy chicken, pasta salad, mostaccioli with real freshly grated Parmesan, au graten potatoes, baked beans, sausage and sauerkraut, home made biscuits, as well as a large bowl of mixed fruit and several relish trays and veggie trays. The tables are covered in assorted munchies and dips. The dessert table is already covered with an assortment of mini cream puffs, some chocolate dipped, some white chocolate dipped and two HUGE trays covered in home made cupcakes, one tray frosted in chocolate with white chocolate drizzle, the other covered in white chocolate with chocolate drizzle. The smell of the frosting assaults you 5 feet from the table...mmmmmmm.
Well, knowing that I did not want to give myself the opportunity to fail, I prepared myself ahead of time. I did the exercise where you visualize the food, smell the food, taste the food. I made the decision that I would taste everything on the dinner table, but skip the bread, which I usually don't do, I LOVE bread! I did not want to get there and then feel short-handed by limiting myself to only a few items. I didn't want to feel left out or deprived. I sat down and figured out the points value of the foods I knew they were going to have. I went for a run in the morning to earn a few extra points in case there was something there I didn't figure into my points. I also armed myself against the possibility that I would graze the munchies by making myself a bowl of fresh hummus. I baked myself a bowl of low-fat, whole wheat pita pieces and utilized the veggie trays when the urge got the better of me.
When it came time to eat, I served myself one table spoon of each of the delectable offerings. I chewed slowly and purposefully and was quite full and satisfied. I made it a point to play with the kids most of the day. They kept me busy and active, so I wouldn't spend a lot of time lingering and revisiting the food tables. I only sat down long enough to eat, this way, I didn't put myself in danger of mindlessly dipping into the snack bowls. When they brought in the sheet cake and started cutting, I took a deep breath. I avoided the cake at a fellow employee's retirement party earlier in the week, but would I be able to resist this? I wasn't given the opportunity. Before I could say, "Hey, can you cut a few smaller slices?" I was handed a 1/4 pound chunk and a fork by an overzealous "helper". I decided that I had accumulated enough extra points that I could afford a few bites. One, two, three, four...Oh My God! How can I get myself out of this? Two year old, to the rescue!!! I looked up and there was Ava, my cousin's little girl. "Bite? Bite?" she beckoned. Oh, Thank, You, Jesus! I couldn't have snuck another bite in even if I had wanted one!
Later, when I felt a magnetic draw to the dessert table to sneak a cream puff, I was met with an empty plate! The Skinny God's where looking after me! The cupcakes were easier to resist...the little kids weren't replacing the plastic wrap properly, and the flies were having a feast, eww, yuck! Time for cocktails! Oh, Joy! Just as they were about to pour, the little ones came a beggin' rides on the four wheeler! Salvation! I hopped on and spent the next hour and a half obliging every kid there with a ride around the ranch. By the time I was done, the party was winding down, the sun was setting, it was time for good-byes. I rode home with the satisfying feeling that I had eaten everything I wanted.
Michele = 1
Battle of the Bulge = 0
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tues Primary
If you are in the Metro Detroit Tricounty Area, please vote yes to approve the Zoo millage.
Also, if you happen to be a resident of Mt. Clemens, vote for Alisha Baker for charter commisioner.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Nosy ladies

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
It's not Baracnophobia, it's common sense!!
Ms. Sally told me she thinks she will vote for Barack because she heard him give a speech at Wayne State today and he said he thinks "the government" should subsidize college tuition so that every kid that has the grades to go to school can get a degree!!!
Is she nucking futz? Does she and all the rest of the bleeding heart liberals realize that the government doesn't have a money making machine? They fund these programs how? With MY frikken tax dollars!!!
Oh, now don't get me wrong! I agree that college tuition is ridiculously out of range for your average person...But does that mean I should be the one paying for everyone else to go to school?
Uh, hello? Let's find ways to make college tuition more affordable by cutting some of the ridiculous incentive programs and scholarships for athletic programs...since they don't lead to professions requiring degrees anyways!!!
Do people realize "the government" doesn't make money? Stop expecting "the government" to "do something about" every damn thing and lets start tightening the belt somewhere else...Let's stop all these BS subsidies and start letting people donate money to the causes they find value for...
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Over active imagination
This must have angered me as I recall I refused to go to sleep. I played possum until my mother was convinced I was asleep and then spent the next two nights listening intently to the drama play out on our 13 inch black and white.
Because I couldn't see the movie, I created the characters in my imagination and because I couldn't see what was happening, I created events to match what I thought I understood the audio to be describing. How interesting it would be to play that movie as my little 7 year old mind understood it.
I don't recall the entire story that I made up in my mind, but I recall I didn't sleep for several days after that. I was disturbed by the sounds of Chopin and Beethoven and glass breaking.
It was many years before I actually saw the movie. I remember being more disturbed by my version, though, so I was a little disappointed in the real version. Except for the rape by button hook. I'm quite certain I had no idea what that was. I was appalled to find out what that was!
What a difference a few decades make. Now I'm sitting here just hating the community she grew up in and the father that was so absent any compassion.
I wonder if Ms. Peabody would think that it was Hattie's prerogative to beat her child any way she saw fit?
Thank God for child advocacy...
Thursday, June 5, 2008
I can ride my bike with no handle bars, no handle bars
I ate like a pig all day. Not sure why, but I just couldn't get enough carbs. So when we got home from taking grama shopping and stopping for a bite to eat, I decided to go for a bike ride. I put on my new capris and a matching t-shirt, my cute little white tiger's ball cap with my pony tail thru the back, loaded my back pack, donned my ipod and off I went.
I wasn't even two blocks from my house when I accidentally engaged the front brakes and went head first over the handle bars. Holy Shit that pavement came up to meet me quickly. How frikken embarrassing! There I am, Laying in a crumpled heap on the lawn next to my bike laying on the side walk. A couple of ladies that were driving by at the time stopp ed to see if I was okay. I was. But man I was pissed at myself.
So, hear I sit, on my bed, ice pack on my now swollen knee, bemoaning the three weeks of chiropractic visits down the drain. Now my whole weekend is shot. I had a laundry list of stuff to do around the house that will have to wait.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Cutomer Disservice
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
On Potential vs. Performance
Not to toot my own horn or anything, but my son is incredibly bright. I think he is worlds above me in intellect and intelligence. He started kindergarten at age 4 and already met the maximum requirements upon arrival. In first grade they recommended him for the accelerated program and put him in 3rd grade level reading and math. By second grade he was beginning to have social problems because he was so far ahead of his peers that he spent most of his days suffering sheer boredom.
That’s when I finally took the opportunity to home school. Now, I know all the arguments for and against home schooling, but rest assured, I made an educated decision. In the Roseville Public School system, they won’t move students to the gifted program until 4th grade. As my son had spent the majority of his 2nd grade year sitting at a desk in front of the principal’s office, I decided it would be better fro him to NOT learn anything at home, in a loving environment, than to NOT learn anything at school, sitting in a hallway, isolated and alone.
So, during the course of the 6 years that I home schooled my son, he advanced through the basic materials: reading, writing, and math, as well as several other subjects such as: Bible Studies, science, and logic. By the time he would have been in 7th grade, we were working out of college level books. He had difficulty with following through, as I believe he may have a mild form of A.D.D., but I never put pressure on him to work fast, as I felt that mastering the subject matter was significantly more important than finishing it in a timely manner.
Then half way through that 7th grade year, I got a day job. This would not have been a problem for most students, but recall the A.D.D. issue. He couldn’t finish anything unless I was practically sitting on his lap. He spent that half of year slipping into an abyss. I knew I would have to put him into a school, there was no suitable alternative. I tried to leave him with his Grama during the day, but she wasn’t terribly diligent at enforcing the curriculum.
After much research and many tours and interviews, we settled on a Christian school not too far from our town. Upon arrival, I informed each of his instructors that he had been home schooled, and that they should let me know if he seemed to be having any difficulty integrating into the schedule. By the time I showed up for conferences 8 weeks later, most of the teachers had entirely forgotten that I had mentioned he was home schooled. He assimilated very well into the social framework of his class and was able to contribute in his classes very well. I was applauded and congratulated for successfully socializing him in the absence of formal schooling.
He did very well as far as grades go. However, his regulated test scores were never more than average. He was never very good at taking tests; the pressure always upset his constitution. In the beginning of 9th grade, a friend asked permission to buy my son an X-Box for Christmas. I agreed under the condition that he maintains Bs or above. He got his semester report card 5 days before Christmas and he had 4 A’s and 2 B’s. He got his X-Box.
Then he fell in love with a girl, and all bets were off. His grades declined. His attention declined. He became very distant and moody. I became public enemy numeral uno. This went on for the next year and a half. It wasn’t until his unsuccessful courtship of this last girl that he finally snapped out of his distaste for me. We are slowly becoming friends again. He is starting to show signed of maturity. He is starting to make better decisions and looking forward toward a future and has decided that he DOES want to go to college and that maybe he should start doing something about it. He even joined the track team and intends to join the soccer team in the fall.
Now fast forward to last week. I got his 3rd marking period report card for 11th grade. There were 2 F’s and a D- on it. I was so desperate, I grounded him from everything. I took away his cell phone, his iPod and the keyboard to the computer. He isn’t allowed to take my car anywhere and he isn’t allowed to participate in any social functions save school athletic meets and games. I put my foot down. I told him that until he starts performing to his abilities, I’m not providing anything more than food, clothing, and shelter for him.
So, then the ACT scores come in. The national average is 21. The state average is 23. The kid with more F’s in the last two years than a Dutch phone book scored a 25. A 25!!! His closest chums that score straight A’s all got 27s and 28. He scored a 25 without even blinking! And he got very upset with me because I didn’t’ jump up and down and exclaim how utterly proud I am of him. I already knew he was brilliant; the score did not surprise me. I think it did surprise him, though. I think maybe all these years he didn’t really believe me that he was brilliant. Now maybe he will buckle down and get it together.
A mother can only hope!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
A coupla shitty days at the gym
So, I usually use the same shower stall as long as it's available. Anyone who knows me knows that I am extremely anal and very regimented. There are certain things, that for me, need to be done in a specific order. Showering is no exception. So after getting my toilet kit and towels properly hung up, adjusting the temp of the water and undonning my swim suit, I stepped into the shower and gently pushed the towel off the drain with the bottom of my flip-flop, so that it wouldn't clog the drain while I showered.
Only, it wasn't a paper towel. Yep, that's right. Someone shit in the shower! Not like a spray of diarrhea that surprised it's issuer. A solid, plum sized, chunk of feces! OMG! I almost vomited! I ran screaming and cursing from the shower, found the bottle of disinfectant and hosed my flip-flop and foot off! WTF? Who the frick craps in the shower and leaves it there? Who the frick craps in the shower? Indignantly, I moved my belongings and tried again...I had to try 3 different showers before I found one with just the right amount of pressure and temperature for my liking, and finished my shower.
When I got back to the locker room, I informed the poor, unfortunate 19 year old attendant that there was poop in the shower. There were several women in the area in assorted stages of dress. We all had quite the laugh speculating how someone could poop in the shower and just leave it. I informed her that this is why it is so important to get a college degree so she could find employment that would NEVER involve cleaning up another person's excrement.
She gathered all of her bio clean-up supplies and headed into the showers to clean it up. She came right back with an astonished look on her face, and announced for those of us in the area that some other poor, unfortunate patron was in the shower and didn't answer when she knocked. Minutes later, and elderly woman walked out and looked at all of us with this pathetic look on her face and announced that she just discovered poop in the stall where she had just completed her shower! The room erupted in earth shattering cackles and squeals as we all had a laugh at her expense.
Fast forward to Friday. I pull up in the gym parking lot and there's a sign on the door informing patrons that the pool is closed. This is not common, but certainly not unheard of. I get to my locker, start to change into my gear, and ask the attendant the reason for the pool closing. You'll never believe this...someone pooped in the pool! Like actually crapped, right there next to the steps! Like, WTF? So, now we have a serial pooper on the loose? I mean, I've seen a lot of disgusting things in my life, but someone is pooping all over the gym?
So, as I'm putting on the last of my gear and putting my bag up, one of the regular patrons that is usually finishing up as I'm getting started, comes and puts the finishing touches on her hair and make-up. She makes a comment about the pool being closed and I say something about how I can't believe someone is pooping all over the gym. She turns to me with this astonished look and inquires as to what I mean. So I give her a brief review of the excitement of Wed and she says, "Oh, well, I just found poop in another one of the showers." I asked if she told the attendant and she said no. So I turn and tell the attendant that the pooper struck again! The room erupted in even louder laughter than on Wed.
And that is my crappy story...
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Leagle Eagles, confidential surveys and other such corporate non-sense
Every year we have to do these stupid things, generally the same ones each time...they're pathetically dry, although they are supposed to be designed to be hip and urban. The quickest way thru them is to skip to the questions and answer them til you get a pass. Some genius decided that wasn't good enough, there was no way to determine that the person using the tool was ACTUALLY reading the material, so now you can't advance thru the material until you've accomplished some sort of verification to show you actually looked at each page...blah, blah, blah
You know what I do? I click the crap out of my mouse til I get thru it. I defiantly refuse to read thru ANY of it...Stick it to the MAN!
Then, to make things worse, they publish the required modules in the spring and give you until the end of summer to complete them, only then the site publishes the requirements and then says you have to finish them by the end of the week!
And don't get me started on confidential surveys...they are supposed to be confidential and they are supposed to be optional, so how come my boss has asked me 4 times over the last 2 days if I've finished it or not? Why is the front office tracking who's completed it and who hasn't? Why are they now issuing edicts that we MUST be 100% compliant by the end of the week?
Jackasses! They've got too little to do, then on top of it, they expect us to drop everything to do these things...