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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

21st Century British Invasion and Girlie Crushes

OK, I admit it. As juvenile and insane as it may seem, I have an utter and complete girlie crush on Jim Sturgess, the British actor. I just can't get enough of him.

I think I know how my mom felt every time she and Julie gushed over the Fab Four, "Oh, Paul!"

I'm going to be 39 in less than a week and I'm actually contemplating hanging a poster of Jim in my bedroom! I may even subscribe to Tiger Beat magazine, (if it still exists) just to get the latest scoop on him. I find him absolutely adorable and dreamy. Every movie with him in it that I watch just reaffirms for me that he is the boy I wanna marry when I grow up, (like that's ever gonna happen! - the me growing up part, not the me marrying him part...I shall keep my delusions a little while longer, thank you very much!)

I haven't felt this way in ages! and I love it!