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Friday, January 29, 2010

Tired, Tired, Tired

I'm so tired! I have to take these student success seminars for an extra 10 points toward my econ the first one was time management. We had to do this exercise where we calculate the amount of time we spend on each of our daily tasks to determine how much time we have to study. According to what I proposed, I wanted to study approx 14 to 15 hours per week. All things accounted for, I have approx 17 hours avail. That means that sleep and everything else accounted for, if I put in my proposed hours of study each week, I end up with 2 hours of free time - total...ugh!

The up side of being this busy and tired all the time is that I hardly notice that my bff has abandoned me for some as of yet unknown infraction on my part, nor do I have time to think about my situation with the house, nor do I have the time to experience empty nest syndrome. Which is all a good thing, cuz mostly I'm just sad about my work situation...apparently I am a little too "me" for some of the clientele. Once again, it is up to me to adjust to make everyone comfortable...Someday, when I win the lottery, or marry an uber rich man on his way to his funeral, or some such other extremely feasible means of becoming independently wealthy, I am soooo not going to miss all this petty BS!

Monday, January 18, 2010

New Year, New Decade, New Outlook

So 2010 is looking an awful lot like 2009. And let's all agree that 2009 was just awful!

So what can be done about it?

I wake up every day and think to myself...self, this is the day we are going to be wowed by humanity and our faith will be restored! And sadly, every night I put my head on the pillow and pray, "Please God, let me say good bye to today and may tomorrow be better."

Don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't experience blessings every day. Some small, some subtle, some may go unnoticed and for that I am truly sorry.

But really, folks...How much yuck is one person supposed to take?

Well, at least now I am back in school. That should keep me busy enough to keep my mind off of the rest of the yuck.

Soon I will be moving out of my home...and I still haven't decided what to do about that. I have options, which is a blessing many folks don't have. And I am very appreciative of that, even if I don't always express that.

I suppose I need to get around to finishing up the packing. I've been cracking at it a little at a time. I suppose the procrastination is my way of avoiding the inevitable. I know it won't work, but hey, I'm human.

Well, it's late and I have an early morning meeting.

I leave with this prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father, please look after my children. Guide their actions and decisions along a path that will find them safe and protect them with Your Holy Spirit. Give them the strength to face the challenges of each new day. Help them to see Your ways. Protect my friends and family and co-workers. Give peace to those who are troubled. Heal those that are sick. And may we all delight in your will and walk in your ways. Amen